DnD VR - Multiplayer Lobby System

About The Project

Being a massive fan of DnD and an owner of a vr headset. I was quit sad seeing there was no fully imersive DnD vr game that didn't just replicate a ingame table with a DnD mat on it. So i started on making one myself in my spare time. For this i made some requirements that i wanted the game to have.

  • -The game should be playable to both people with and without a vr headset
  • -Game masters should be able to make there own maps or import one from others
  • -People should be able to do all there dice roll inside the game
  • -People should be able to import there character sheats and easly view them

What I Learned From This Project

For this project it was my first time doing anything multiplayer related, and learned a lot about using photon. And the design decisions that go into making a completely new game.


Code Snippets

Code Snippet 1 Code Snippet 2


Developers: 1
Code Language: C#
Engine: Unity